Fox West Academy (FWA) is a public charter school within the Hortonville Area School District that focuses on providing students with personalized and project-based learning experiences. As an innovative learning environment, FWA emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and real-world problem solving. The school is committed to creating meaningful learning opportunities that prepare students for the challenges of the future.
Fox West Academy serves approximately 100 students in grades 6 through 8. The school’s small size allows for a close-knit community where students receive individualized attention and are encouraged to take an active role in their learning. FWA is designed for students who thrive in an environment that emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning. We consider ourselves a STEM school, placing heavy emphasis upon Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, all within the bounds of our project-based environment.
The vision of Fox West Academy is to cultivate independent, innovative thinkers who are prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Through its unique approach to education, FWA seeks to inspire students to become lifelong learners and active, engaged citizens.
Leader In Me
To be most effective in the today's world, students certainly need to become proficient in core subjects; in addition, it is becoming increasingly important for them to become proficient in a number of personal and interpersonal skills. FWA students learn and apply the 7 Habits which include:
- Taking responsibility
- Time management
- Relationship building
- Conflict management
- Listening and speaking
- Working in teams
- Problem solving
- Respecting diversity
- Making healthy choices
A Typical Day at FWA
A typical day at FWA is divided into two parts: project block and core academics. For half of the day, we have project time during which we explore themes that integrate the core standards. Every eight to nine weeks we take on a new project focus, and the end result of each project cycle is a presentation night where students share their projects with the public. The other half of the day has a more “traditional” feel; however, most of the instruction is still very hands-on. All students have a math and somewhat traditional reading/language arts course in the morning, plus science.
To arrange a visit, please contact the Fox West Academy staff.