HASD Middle School Robotics
The mission of the US FIRST robotics programs is to engage young people in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, inspire innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. Find additional information at FIRSTinspires.org and a registration form on the next page.
TO REGISTER for next fall’s FLL season: Complete the registration form and return it with the $50 registration fee to an HASD school office by June 8. Mark envelopes clearly with “FLL Registration in care of Deb Van Dalen, HMS.” Scholarships based on financial need are available. The $50 season registration includes registration in FLL summer camp tentatively scheduled for August 16 through 18, 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Contact debvandalen@hasd.org with questions regarding HASD middle school robotics.
Over the summer teams are registered with FIRST so that we can order materials and hit the ground running in September. If our schedule for the 2021 season returns to normal, we will kick it off with a 2 or 3 day camp in August. Currently we are planning August 16 - 18. Camp is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged as a valuable jump-start for teams. Conditions permitting, the first competition of the season will be a local scrimmage held in late October. Each team will also choose a weekend to compete in a qualifying competition around the region planned for November with qualifying teams moving on to sectional and state tournaments in December and January respectively. This timeline may change. Families of registered participants will be kept informed.
Further information regarding FLL Camp and team assignments will be emailed over the summer. Team meeting days, times, and locations are left to individual teams. The time commitment is generally about 4 hours per week.
To make FIRST Lego League a reality for HASD students, we need your help. Please consider coaching, mentoring or helping to fundraise. Our kids need you. Coaching is a very rewarding adventure. No previous experience or robotics programming skills are necessary. There are resources available from both the state and national organization. You will not be in this alone. For more information regarding FLL in general, how the season works, and the commitment for coaching, please feel free to contact me.
Deb VanDalen
HASD FLL Coordinator